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Jurnal Innovation, Theory and Practire Management

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About the Journal

Jurnal Innovation, Theory And Practice Managemen ISSn:

Memberikan wawasan tentang masalah terkini dan utama yang terhubung dengan studi ilmu manajemen, khususnya dibidang SDM, Pemasaran, Keuangan dan operasional beserta inovasi terkini, jurnal ini menyediakan tempat bagi para peneliti, dosen, akademisi untuk mempromosikan bidang pengetahuan yang berkembang dalam studi manajemen. Artikel ini bisa ditulis dalam bahasa inggris atau bahasa Indonesia.

Focus And Scope

This journal publishes original articles on the latest issues and trends occurring

internationally in science curriculum, instruction, learning, policy, and preparation of science teachers

with the aim to advance our knowledge of science education theory and practice.

In addition to original articles, the journal features the following special sections:

Learning : consisting of theoretical and empirical research studies on learning of science.

We invite manuscripts that investigate learning and its change and growth from various lenses,

including psychological, social, cognitive, sociohistorical, and affective.

Studies examining the relationship of learning to teaching, the science knowledge and practices, 
